Friday, 23 May 2008

Move On Up

Dear Anyone,

I would just like to say that things are progressing nicely with Muscle. He stayed over last night, after meeting me from work and going to get something to eat ( I was starving). It was me who invited him to come home with me, but it didn't take a lot of persuasion!

I don't know what he's looking for from me yet though, because I haven't asked. I've established that he hasn't got a girlfriend (and I swear that's a first for me, because I only really meet losers who do) and he's established that I don't have a boyfriend, but I didn't ask what it is between us, because for now I'm just going to enjoy it. I know what deadline I've given myself to clarify whether I'm wasting my time or not, so it's all in hand. But I have to say that I do like him, and he is someone I could see myself with for many reasons, including the fact that I think I could learn a lot from him, and even experience things I never would have though of before. So all I ask for from you is your best wishes.

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