Saturday 31 May 2008

And If The Shoe Doesn't Fit...

Dear Anyone,

This is probably going to sound a bit strange, especially to those who read this and know me, but sometimes I feel as though I don’t fit in with my friends. I don’t really know why, and it’s weird. There are six of us in my immediate group of friends. Three of them are in long-term, stable relationships, and the other two aren’t, but they are deeply into fashion. Actually I’d say that the other three are also quite into fashion. I don’t fall into either of those categories. If you’ve been reading this blog then I think it’s evident that I have no man, and when it comes to fashion - designer brands bore me, probably because I can’t afford them, and they don’t really cater for me.

I think I realised it this evening when we had a girls night outing to watch the ‘Sex & the City’ movie. I thought it was good, but slightly depressing, and not as ‘wow’ as the rest of the girls found it. I felt like it catered to everyone else I was with, because they can probably relate to it better than me, since they have men who blatantly love them, and have all experienced love. I can’t say the same for myself. And for the ones who aren’t currently in love, they ‘love love’ so are constantly coo-ing over couples and romance. I find it hard, because I wish it was me. But I digress.

Don’t get me wrong, I love my friends to bits! I’m so glad they’re my friends, but sometimes I feel like such a ‘nobody’ when I’m with them. I can’t find a way to explain it. Like I’m so underdeveloped and immature, and yet I’m the oldest of the group!

So basically it’s not a problem with them, it’s a problem with me. I’m not looking for advice from you or anything, because I know it’s up to me to find out what will make me happy. Maybe I should ask Muscle what makes him so chipper all day long. Honestly – he’s like a walking Disney rep!

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