Saturday 3 May 2008

'L' is for Loser

Dear Anyone,

Last night I found out what is more than likely the 'situation' that Bumper has been meaning to tell me about for the past two months. I'm not going to reveal my sources, but silly boys who think themselves 'players' need to realise that London is a very VERY small place. The long and short of it is that the mother of his daughter is due to give birth to their second child any time soon, after which they'll be getting married. I'm not going to go on about this because, to be extremely honest, I'm past caring. But can I just point out that I did ask him whether he was getting married, and he said no. And can I also say that I hate greedy, selfish guys who unnecessarily choose to keep information from you, thus ultimately making the decision about what happens between you. In this case he could have told me this a long, long time ago, and it wouldn't have meant anything to me. But instead he chose to withhold that bit of news and carry on as though he was a single man. It didn't have to go as far as us going out, but I thank the good Lord that that's as far as it went. Good luck to him, because he's going to need it.

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