Thursday 18 December 2008

My Wish List

Dear Anyone,

Just in case you are absolutely dumbfounded as to what to get me for my birthday, which is in 12 days time by the way, let me be of assistance to you:

A black coat - if you're feeling flush and extremely generous

Michael Jackson's HIStory album on CD - I only have it on cassette (yeah I'm old school - what??)

A navel ring - I've just celebrated eight years of the most rebellious thing I've ever done, but the one I'm currently wearing is falling apart. I think it serves me right for getting them from Argos every time.

Thin hair straighteners - they don't have to be GHDs, but small enough to catch the back mid-section of my hair, since you know it's short, and this weekend I plan on making it shorter (hopefully)

Going out top - size 16 so The Twins can fit in snugly (I'm seriously lacking in nice tops to wear with jeans)

And last, but certainly not least (just almost impossible):

A sexy, good looking, intelligent, funny, romantic, generous, hard-bodied man, between the ages of 31-34 preferably, with no kids, living in London - I know one who practically fits that description, but in case it doesn't go my way, a back-up will do nicely.

Of course anything I receive will be 100% fully appreciated. Consider me a blank slate, I hardly have anything.

Thank you in advance for your generosity.*

*This post has been written in jest. I don't really expect presents, but I won't lie, it is nice to receive them. Although I won't be in the country for my actual birthday, belated present are absolutely welcome.

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