Monday 25 August 2008

Carnival Queen

Today was an absolutely great day. SP and I participated in the Notting Hill Carnival, in full costume and all. It was so good, and I have to say that we looked spectacular.

This is the third time we've taken part, but this year our costumes have been the most elaborate we've had. The title of the costumes was 'Bird of Paradise,' and that's exactly what we looked like! And it was the first (and possibly only) time that I have been brave enough to do the bra and shorts thing. The only way to take my mind of my lack of clothing was to indulge in plenty of free alcohol. And I mean plenty. SP brought a bottle of Malibu that she’d received as a birthday gift, I bought the orange juice, and we mixed the two into an empty litre plastic bottle. Within an hour we had no care in the world. There were also free drinks on the truck for those of us taking part. Good times.

‘Playing Mas (Masquerade)’ at Carnival is a very long, but extremely fun way to enjoy the day, and the only way I’ll be attending the Carnival in the future. We go on the road from about 12pm, and dance the route until about 9pm. Fortunately for us it only rained while we were on our way to the meeting place, and it stayed dry and quite warm for the rest of the day. Yesterday I was praying for it to be sunny today, but I’m quite glad it wasn’t, because being that I’m one of the original Sweaty Bettys, I would have melted and become just a pile of feathers.

The only trouble that occurred came right at the end when there was a riot between the police and revellers, but I’ve heard that the police practically provoked it with their presence and unnecessary stop-and-search tactics. Luckily for SP and me we were on our way back to our coach to gather our belongings and head for our lift home.
My legs are aching and I’m scared about how they will be tomorrow for my interview. But I’ve had a very good day, and they don’t come along often enough, so let’s hope that tomorrow is another one….

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