Monday, 12 November 2007


Dear Anyone,

It seems my close friend SP is annoyed at me for posting a funny pic of her and RG in my Facebook album. From what I can gather from the response to the email I sent her this morning, she thinks I did it on purpose to annoy her. I knew what tone to read it in, because I've heard her speak that way to other people, like her younger brother. But why would I do that? The way I saw it, it's a funny photo and obviously not the way she normally looks. Plus RG is the main person in the photo, and SP is more in the background. It's kind of hurtful that she would think that way of me - as if I'm out to make her look bad. Why would I? When I told her I'd delete it, she basically said that's there's no point now, because I posted it knowing she wouldn't like it. OK...because I'd sit there and think to myself "What can I do to piss SP off?" I don't think so. I don't really know what I'm supposed to do. It feels strange, because we're really close. I know that I can be stubborn, but what stops me from wanting to apologise is the way she spoke to me in the first place, and the fact that she couldn't just ask me to take the photo down instead of being sarcastic. It was so unnecessary. She practically knows me better than anyone. I didn't appreciate that at all.

On a good note - today RG left to go and work in the U.S for two months. I'm so glad for her, because it's such an amazing opportunity. She's touring with a few big name stars, and she'll be in charge of wardrobe for all the shows. Mute and I were at her house till very late last night (or very early this morning) helping her pack and get organised. She was nervous and a bit unsure about whether she can handle the responsibilty, but we know she can. She's RG! I'll miss her and wish her good luck, but mostly I want her to enjoy it. We'll receive updates on what she's up to thanks to the wonders of modern technology, so I await her correspondence...

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