Dear Anyone,
Today I'm sitting at home in shock and upset. One of my first cousins passed away suddenly yesterday, and I'm having trouble getting my head around it. I was with her only two days ago, and the next thing I know, I was looking at her body on the hospital bed last night. I can't believe it.
I know it only takes a split second for someone to die, so saying "I only just saw her" doesn't make sense, but that's all I can think. She cooked for us at her sister's house on Friday night, and I stayed over until Saturday morning, because it was too late for me to go home. Then I was supposed to get a lift home with her in the morning, but didn't, because she wasn't ready to leave when I was. But she'd been fine the whole time, no indication that something was wrong. Then yesterday my cousin Diggy called to say that she had been rushed to hospital because she'd been having trouble breathing, and next thing we know she's gone into cardiac arrest and the doctors couldn't revive her. It turns out she had a blood clot in her lung, and by the time I got to the hospital, she'd gone. It's scary because this time it's one of us, as opposed to it being an older member of the family.
I couldn't sleep last night, so I didn't go into work today, but I think I will tomorrow, because it's better to keep busy. All I keep thinking is that our family don't need any more bad news, my uncle's death is still quite fresh and now this. I just keep praying for God to spare the family, and look after my dad, because this will be a lot of stress on him, seeing as he is now everyone's dad.
Rest in Peace Big Sis, and keep smiling xxx
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