Wednesday, 17 February 2010

"I Want To Get Away, I Want To Flyyyyyyy Awayyyy, Yeah Yeah Yeaaaaah"

Dear Anyone,

I hate my job. Yeah, we're back on this again. Right now I'm at my desk, not supposed to be on the internet (but whatever), with a HUGE pile of paperwork to file away, which is late by the way, and I can't seem to bring myself to give a shite. I'm doing it, but my frustration builds with each file I reach for. Others here seem not to mind , but I actually couldn't care less about any of it. Instead I'm fantasising about what it must be like to love what you do. What a lovely feeling that must be.

I'm also thinking about leaving and going back to temping. Being a receptionist is a whole lot better than the monotonous, never-ending tasks I have to do here. The only problem with that is you never know how abruptly the job will end. Actually I don't mind that part at all, because an unexpected day off is a blessing, but it's the financial side of it, so I guess that won't be a good idea. BUT I NEED TO DO SOMETHING!!!!!!

Last month I joined a website for people who want to do internships in New York City, and I received a message from a company who run a website that sells designer clothing for children. The lady asked me if I would be interested in interning with them, so I discussed it with my life coach, and replied asking them when they would need someone to start, and how long they would like someone there for. I figured I could go for a month, so I would ask my employers here if it would be possible to take unpaid leave, see if I could get a donation from the Bank of Daddy, otherwise take out a small loan with the bank if necessary, and stay with my friend in New Jersey. It's not as impossible as I originally made it out to be in my head. But up till now I am yet to receive a response from them. It's ok though, because at least it made me start thinking about how I would realistically set the wheels in motion.

Emperor also told me about vacancies they have at his workplace in the city. The roles available are PA roles, which isn't media related as I would like it to be, but the money is WAY better than the pittance I'm whoring myself for here, and some of the roles are temporary, which is fine because I can still search for jobs, and at the very least I will be in a new environment. I sent him my re-worked CV, so I am awaiting news...

Anyway I better get back to this nonsense before someone comes and hassles me, which will result in me socking them in their face, then being suspended pending disciplinary action... Hmm then again....

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