Dear Anyone,
I've been thinking about Muscle and Tod quite a bit in the past week. I haven't actually seen or spoken to Tod for a while, and Muscle and I had a conversation by text a few days ago, which is what got me thinking about him again. I think it's because I'm starved of affection right now. I'm bored. I'd like some kind of distraction at least until my future husband decides to show himself. Or better still - I'd like him to make an appearance now, please.
I think I'm just going through one of those lonely phases again. Right now I am actually, completely and utterly single, as in, if I meet someone new right now I won't have to consider anyone else's feelings or wonder how I'd break the news to someone else. As single as the day I was born - that's me.
I do have work and other things going on, that other people successfully use to occupy their minds, but that doesn't really work for me. Well it's not working right now anyway. I'm not going to bore you with what I want exactly, because I'm sure with the number of times I have been on and on about it, you could recite it to me word-perfect.
I just need a new routine, new scenery, new opportunities, and most of all, as LL Cool J put it - I NEED LOVE!!
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