Friday, 26 June 2009

Gone Too Soon

Like the loss of sunlight with the rising of the moon, gone too soon.

'Gone Too Soon' - Dangerous (1991)

Michael Jackson

Dear Anyone,

I am absolutely distraught at the events of yesterday. I know I don't even have to tell you what I'm talking about, because it's one of those "Where were you when...?" moments. The passing of a legend is worldwide knowledge. I feel sick. I actually threw up this morning while I was in the bathroom. It's too bloody soon. He wasn't meant to go yet. I know people say that legends always die young, but not yet. Not without warning. He wasn't even ill (that we knew of).

I received so many phone call and texts while the news was breaking. People asking me if I was okay - you'd think I was actually related to him. Whenever you hear of a celebrity dying it's always a shock, but this was the one I dreaded the most, and it has actually happened. I can't believe it.

I was in my bedroom chatting to my mum about her holiday in California, when SP called me asking if i was okay.

"Yeah I'm fine, why?"

"Haven't you seen the news?"

"No, why what's happened??"

I then quickly switched the TV over to SKY News and saw the breaking news. At the time it was unconfirmed, but I just started shaking in disbelief and my mum even had to hold me so I didn't fall. This was just after 10pm, and I didn't go to bed until nearly 3am. Of course I couldn't sleep a wink, and strangely enough I don't feel tired today. Just shocked. Now I have to prepare myself for the continuous tabloid coverage. Great.

RIP MJ.... hopefully now you're out of whatever pain it was that was troubling you..

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