Friday, 26 June 2009

Gone Too Soon

Like the loss of sunlight with the rising of the moon, gone too soon.

'Gone Too Soon' - Dangerous (1991)

Michael Jackson

Dear Anyone,

I am absolutely distraught at the events of yesterday. I know I don't even have to tell you what I'm talking about, because it's one of those "Where were you when...?" moments. The passing of a legend is worldwide knowledge. I feel sick. I actually threw up this morning while I was in the bathroom. It's too bloody soon. He wasn't meant to go yet. I know people say that legends always die young, but not yet. Not without warning. He wasn't even ill (that we knew of).

I received so many phone call and texts while the news was breaking. People asking me if I was okay - you'd think I was actually related to him. Whenever you hear of a celebrity dying it's always a shock, but this was the one I dreaded the most, and it has actually happened. I can't believe it.

I was in my bedroom chatting to my mum about her holiday in California, when SP called me asking if i was okay.

"Yeah I'm fine, why?"

"Haven't you seen the news?"

"No, why what's happened??"

I then quickly switched the TV over to SKY News and saw the breaking news. At the time it was unconfirmed, but I just started shaking in disbelief and my mum even had to hold me so I didn't fall. This was just after 10pm, and I didn't go to bed until nearly 3am. Of course I couldn't sleep a wink, and strangely enough I don't feel tired today. Just shocked. Now I have to prepare myself for the continuous tabloid coverage. Great.

RIP MJ.... hopefully now you're out of whatever pain it was that was troubling you..

Friday, 19 June 2009

Not A Celebrity, But Get Me Out Of Here!

Dear Anyone,

Try as I might, the passion I feel for my job seems to be growing and growing more and more each day, and I can't control it. This passion I am speaking of is the one known as Hate. Right now I hate my job. With a passion. It's making me take liberties and not care, which is unlike me. I get there late, knowing full well that the Powers That Be can check my log in time, but do I give a....? Nope. I'm blatantly on the internet when I'm not supposed to be, but do I give a....? Nope. Work gets in the way of life, especially if it's a job you don't actually want to be doing.

I know that in this current climate I should be grateful that I even have a job, when so many people are being made redundant, but that still doesn't change my feeling. You know it's serious when your desire to leave is stronger than the realisation that if you do you will have no money. Sometimes I feel like if I was to be made redundant, I wouldn't even be upset about it. All I would be thinking is, "Yaaaay, I don't have to come here tomorrow!" I even envy our temps when they are told that they will be finishing! That's terrible, isn't it?

On a more positive note, things are really picking up on the freelance writing front. I recently wrote a biography for a model who is destined for big things, and got paid for it. She is currently the owner of the breasts used to advertise Marks & Spencer's lingerie. Now her manager wants me to write biogs for himself and his team. All good with me!

I am also now a writer for a new men's magazine, which a friend of mine got me involved in. It's a magazine full of eye-candy, so it's not heavy on the editorial. It's quarterly and not paid for now, which is absolutely fine with me, because I really need to build my portfolio with recent work.

A couple of days ago I designed some business cards on a really good website that SP showed me, so that I can promote myself as a freelance writer a bit more when we go to networking events. SP also designed some for herself, as she is trying to secure more freelance marketing projects. We are bang on this!! She has recently become a 'victim' of this credit crunch, but don't feel sorry her - she is now free from a workplace she also hates. Too much of our lives are spent wasting away in unappreciative environments, and now is the time to start putting an end to it once and for all. WE SHALL OVERCOME!!!

*clears throat* Sorry, I got a little carried away....