Friday, 28 March 2008

Life Is Far Too Short

Dear Anyone,

One of my brother's friend's passed away from leukaemia yesterday. He was only 29. I can't believe it. I didn't even know him, I've only met him twice, but he seemed like a really nice guy. The first time I'd met him it was at a club and he recognised me (I don't know how!), so he came over and introduced himself as my brother's friend, and said that if I want a drink or anything I should just let him know and he'll look after me, because my brother is a very good friend of his. My friends and I thought it was so funny, because it's as if my brother is some kind of celebrity! That's not the first time that something like that has happened to me concerning him.

It's so sad. My brother was only with him a couple of days ago, because they went to sort out the guy's passport. He wanted to travel in the little time he had left, but then he developed a cold sore which then spread all over his face. I feel really sorry for my brother, because as far as I know he is the fourth friend that my brother has lost. The other three all died in the same year; one died in a car crash they were all in, one was stabbed to death by his brother, and the other (who was my brother's best friend) died in a motorbike accident. That one was the worst because it was such a shock. My brother and I haven't really been close for many years, but at that time I just wanted to hug him.

It's things like this that make me want to just do what I can to make myself happy, because you just never know...

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