Monday, 6 June 2011

Much Ado About Not Much at All

Dear Anyone,

I know I haven't updated you since February, and usually I feel bad about it, and quite slack, but right now it's 'whatever.' Why? Because I have nothing new or exciting to report.

You've probably been thinking that I've been in a loved-up haven with X, and therefore had no time to fill you in, but come on - you should know me by now! If I want it, it won't happen! X pretty much disappeared after our second date, which has been completely baffling to me, because as far as I'm concerned the second date went nicely. It was a week after the first and I went to his place to watch movies. There was only a little kissing, but he was quite affectionate otherwise. Then I didn't hear from him for about three days, and when he eventually sent me a message, he said that his phone had been cut off and was only just restored. Then the following week he messaged me again to say that he was going to Manchester in the morning (which I knew he would be doing as part of his Masters) and thanked me for meeting him, and being me, and that he wasn't saying goodbye, instead "hasta la vista baby, but I'll be back". Now for those of you who failed miserably at Geography, Manchester is another city, but still part of the United Kingdom, so whatever mobile phone tariff you have, the call charges will be the same whether you call me while still in London or from another part of England. Or Scotland. Or Wales even. So why this guy was behaving as though he was moving back to Nigeria, is totally beyond me. Suffice to say I haven't heard from him since the end of February. I was really disappointed at first, not because I was that much into him, but because he had such potential. We got on really well straight away, he was good looking, funny, blah blah blah, and he kinda got me feeling slightly optimistic. Then as quickly as he arrived, he left. So there you go.

Two of my friends got engaged recently and at their engagement party I saw Boy Wonder. He was very tactile with me, very flirty for all around us to see, and it made me think about him and live in hope for about a week and a half afterwards, but then this week I heard a guy say something in conversation to the effect of; you and everyone else may think you're a GOOD woman for a man, but if he hasn't made you his woman, then he doesn't think you're the RIGHT woman for him. Duh me - that's exactly what is happening here! And I know I've said it before, but this time I mean it - I am no longer going to try and read into or understand anything about Boy Wonder and his actions towards me, until I hear something from the horse's mouth. If I don't then I'll just have to deal with it like everything else. A litte while ago I was feeling extremely negative about about how my love life will pan out, and I'm not saying this for attention (because if you know me you know that I don't handle too much attention very well) but I honestly don't see myself getting married or simply being someone's girlfriend or fiancee. I'm already 33. I know everything happens in God's time, but chances are God doesn't want me to be with someone or have kids. Maybe being single is how I'll make my riches. Maybe I'll write a bestseller about my experiences. Who knows eh? Still, we plod along as usual.

Work-wise things are going quite slowly on the writing front. I've had a few offers given to me by mouth, but none have really come to fruition yet. I'm currently temping in the west-end with one of my friends, and of course the work is boring, but the people are nice so it's bearable. It was supposed to be for three months, ending this month, but they keep giving me more tasks, which is good wage-wise, because my friends and I are going to Barbados again this year (and I'll be fully excited once I've paid it off), but I refuse to get stuck in another dead-end job. I need a career. So along we plod...

I really need some excitement, and I am hoping that I can come back to you with some good news for once, and not complain about the same ole same ole - trust me, even I'm bored of myself!!