Sunday, 13 June 2010

Still Single

Dear Anyone,

I'm kind of starting to get scared about how quickly this year is going, in terms of me finding a relationship. We're halfway through 2010, and I have no leads. Nothing! I still maintain that I want to get married in August next year, and I think that by me putting it out there in the Universe, it should happen, because the Universe should respond, right? Isn't that the secret of The Secret?

I have no updates on any guys I've previously mentioned - nothing juicy anyway. I saw Muscle a couple of weeks ago at a barbeque I invited him to, and he didn't stay long but we had a nice catch-up chat. I also went to an event that Emperor attended with his girlfriend, so that answers the questions I didn't have about that situation. Surprise surprise.

It feel like a lot of people are finding partners, and when I'm asked whether I'm single, the answer is still a resounding 'yes.' It's getting to the point where people think it's me being fussy, but I'm not. I'm not going to go on about it, because I can assure you that nothing has changed in terms of how I feel, I'm still quite lonely. I just don't want to become one of those people who everyone can rely on to be perpetually single.