So... I had my job interview as an Events Assistant today, and I'm not sure how I think it went.
I was interviewed by two women, which I thought would be a little intimidating, but fortunately it wasn't. I was on time. I was smart, but fashionably dressed. I was polite, maintained eye-contact as often as possible, didn't slouch, and was as friendly as I could be.
I thought it was all going well until they decided to give me a test. Now I'm not very good with tests, unless they're spelling tests, and as my luck would have it, this test consisted of 33 percent Microsoft Word, and 66.6 percent Excel. I hate Excel. I am absolutely no good at Excel - especially the formulas. I got an 'E' for Maths GCSE (twice!) - Mathematics is not my forte. What they wanted me to do was compose a letter in Word, informing a nominee that they are up for an award, and asking for images to be used on the night. Piece o' piss. Then I had to transfer booking information onto an Excel spreadsheet. Not too bad. Then - I had to use Excel to work out how many tables had been sold, how many more were to be sold and at which price in order to reach the sales target. To be extremely honest with you, I did my calculations using the laptop's calculator, and wrote down my answers. It was the best thing I could do to show that I tried, otherwise I would have just sat there staring at the woman's face when she walked back in the room (the other woman had another meeting to attend halfway through). I told her that I did my best, and she said 'Oh don't worry too much about it, it's fine, we have very good Excel training here.' False sense of security methinks...
The whole session lasted about an hour in total, and I came out feeling... I don't know how I felt actually. It was good in some parts, and not so good in others, so I guess all I can do is wait. Apparently I will hear from them by Friday, so fingers crossed...