Friday, 25 July 2008

Caribbean Girl

Dear Anyone,

I’m beside myself with excitement! Today is my last day at work for two weeks, because on Tuesday I’m off to Barbados! I CAN’T WAIT!! I’m going with SP and her boyfriend Salop (formerly known as Birthday Boy), my friend Minx and my cousin Mute. It’s partly for SP’s 30th birthday (which will be after we get back) but mostly for the Barbados Carnival. I’m sooooo excited. It has come around quickly though – we’ve been talking about it since the beginning of the year, and we already only have four days to go!

We will be staying in an apartment (don’t you know) and apparently it is located right in the middle of everything, so we will be walking distance to everywhere we go. I’m giddy just sitting here writing to you! So far, the events we have lined up are the Carnival and a Boat Party. I can not wait. Everyone I have spoken to who have been to Barbados say that we’re going to have so much fun. I don’t want to get ahead of myself, but I can’t stop thinking about it.

If you know me you’ll know that I haven’t packed yet. Being the broke person I am, I still need the clothes I’ll be packing, or else I’ll be walking around in my birthday suit, and well… I wouldn’t want to get arrested or make the rest of you jealous now, would I? I still have a few things to buy, like swimwear. I still have the same swimwear I bought for our holiday in Miami four years ago, and I’ll be damned if you see me sporting all of the same costumes I did back then. Take note of what I said: I said ‘all of the same costumes,’ meaning a couple of them will be repeats, but at least two won’t be.

So that’s what I will be doing tomorrow – shopping (as broke as I am). I can’t spend much though, because I don’t get paid until the day we leave, which also affects when I can change my currency. But I will absolutely keep you posted on our antics during the holiday. See ya!

Tuesday, 15 July 2008

I Need Me Another Jobby-Job III

Dear Anyone,

Recruitment agencies are a stupid, useless waste of money! How is it that I emailed my CV to an agency, and within 15 minutes I receive a reply saying that they can't help me, but "thank you for your interest in this post." I didn't apply for a post! So obviously my CV wasn't even looked over. If you say you provide work in Media & Events, and I say I'm looking for work in Media or Events, where is the problem? Which part of that do they not understand?

To be honest with you I really do not want to apply for work through an agency, because I think they are a con. They advertise false jobs just for the sake of getting people on their books. I think I've said this to you before, and so if I'm repeating myself that just goes to show how much I believe that.

I have sent my CV to three agencies and had literally the same response. Is that the in-thing now? Reject it straight-away using the standard template email. If it is, then I think I’m looking for work in the wrong industry, because clearly Recruitment Consultants have it easy.

At my current workplace there are a lot of changes and cut-backs taking place, which will ultimately result in me being unhappier, so I NEED to get out. I have given myself a deadline of September, partly because that is when the changes take effect, and mostly because I only have four days annual holiday left, so I won’t have enough time to travel at Christmas like I want to. Or shall I say – have to.

Another problem I have is coming up with ideas. I’m not much of an ideas person. I’m more the type that can expand on an idea once it has initially been thought up. A couple of the journalism vacancies I have come across are perfect, but they require ideas for headlines and articles, and I’m having a bit of a problem thinking up relevant stories. I think I’ll ask RG – she’s very, very good with ideas. She was born to be in the media, as much as she gets irritated with it sometimes.

So I’m going to go home and seriously think up possible stories for the two vacancies I’ve come across. I’ll keep you posted…

Tuesday, 8 July 2008

I Need Me Another Jobby-Job II

Dear Anyone,

Today I applied for a job that I have applied for three times before. I’m wondering whether it’s best I just take a hint, or if it’s better to practise the theory of ‘if at first you don’t succeed, try and try again?’
It is a Media Relations Assistant position with Comic Relief, and the crazy thing is that it’s in my area - geographically. It would take me literally ten minutes to get to work! I could walk there… if I was feeling fit and didn’t mind turning up looking like Sweaty Betty.

The job spec is everything I have already done in my 'career' so far, and I know I can do it well enough to impress them. I really want this job!! They say on their website that "due to limited resources" if you don't hear from them within the next three weeks, you haven't been successful. Twenty days to go...